Friday, 16 March 2012

Nicolas Sarkozy is half-Hungarian

Yesterday Syuzo and Nobuko took me to a motorway service area just south of Fukuoka, we said our goodbyes and I went to wait by the road out of the parking area with a sign Syuzo had made me for heading to Kagoshima.
I looked at my watch and remembered someone in the hostel in Fukuoka talking about a friend who said they'd received lifts every ten minutes and hoped for similar.

In 5 minutes time I was in a car with a military recruitment officer discussing genetics in a very basic manner, and he told me Nicolas Sarkozy's dad is Hungarian (I had no idea). He was only driving two hours south to Miyazaki originally but decided to drive me all the way to Kagoshima (four hours) and buy me lunch. I really tried to protest this but he wouldn't have it and explained I had to do the same when I'm older and see young hitch hikers.
I'm now in Kagoshima and its raining fairly horribly, going to stay here a week or so whilst I sort out my plan for going camping on the islands south of here.

Definitely going to get to an onsen soon, there are 270 in the prefecture and I'm sure a lot of those are in the city.

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