Sunday, 30 August 2015

English: View of downtown Unalaska, Alaska.
Author Wanetta Ayers

Soneto a Madrid
Centro de España, corazón, latido
de fecundas y unánimes orillas,
almena singular de las Castillas,
faro de luz, señero y repartido,
eres un libro abierto y ofrecido
—siete estrellas, setenta maravillas—;
sabe bien a qué altura creces, brillas,
quien con amor a diario te ha leído.
Corte con tu lección de cortesía,
tesoro de tu sol a mediodía,
y en los ocasos con tus oros viejos…
Madrid, no rompeolas, atalaya,
ciudad para vivir donde las haya
y evocación de un sueño si estás lejos.
José García Nieto (1914-2001)

If anything's going to help me learn Spanish its the poems on the metro and belters like this:

Friday, 28 August 2015


    "Graphomania inevitably takes on epidemic proportions when a society develops to the point of creating three basic conditions:

        An elevated level of general well-being, which allows people to devote themselves to useless activities;
        A high degree of social atomization and, as a consequence, a general isolation of individuals;
        The absence of dramatic social changes in the nation's internal life. (From this point of view, it seems to me symptomatic that in France, where practically nothing happens, the percentage of writers is twenty-one times higher than in Israel)."
        —Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting, 1978

"In Ancient Rome, the practice of damnatio memoriae was the condemnation of Roman elites and emperors after their deaths. If the Senate or a later emperor did not like the acts of an individual, they could have his property seized, his name erased and his statues reworked. Because there is an economic incentive to seize property and rework statues, historians and archaeologists have had difficulty determining when official damnatio memoriae actually took place, although it seems to have been quite rare."



Bang on the money.

Franco Doing It Right

This one builds.

“Come from forever, and you will go everywhere.”

Notes from Rimbaud.

" “...I is another. If the brass wakes the trumpet, it’s not its fault. That’s obvious to me: I witness the unfolding of my own thought: I watch it, I hear it: I make a stroke with the bow: the symphony begins in the depths, or springs with a bound onto the stage.

If the old imbeciles hadn’t discovered only the false significance of Self, we wouldn’t have to now sweep away those millions of skeletons which have been piling up the products of their one-eyed intellect since time immemorial, and claiming themselves to be their authors!”"

“...these poets here, you see, they are not of this world:let them live their strange life; let them be cold and hungry, let them run, love and sing: they are as rich as Jacques Coeur, all these silly children, for they have their souls full of rhymes, rhymes which laugh and cry, which make us laugh or cry: Let them live: God blesses all the merciful: and the world blesses the poets.”

“By being too sensitive I have wasted my life.”

“Genius is the recovery of childhood at will.”

“True alchemy lies in this formula: ‘Your memory and your senses are but the nourishment of your creative impulse’.”

“Whose hearts must I break? What lies must I maintain? - Through whose blood am I to wade ?”

"A boy hardly haired out understands this best. Nothing is real but the river and all else is sham."

Some word salad from the depths of my computer. Can't remember how half this stuff got here.

"Rimbaud said much the same in his second letter, commonly called the Lettre du voyant ("Letter of the Seer"). Written 15 May—before his first trip to Paris—to his friend Paul Demeny, the letter expounded his revolutionary theories about poetry and life, while also denouncing most poets that preceded him. Wishing for new poetic forms and ideas, he wrote:

    I say that one must be a seer, make oneself a seer. The poet makes himself a seer by a long, prodigious, and rational disordering of all the senses. Every form of love, of suffering, of madness; he searches himself, he consumes all the poisons in him, and keeps only their quintessences. This is an unspeakable torture during which he needs all his faith and superhuman strength, and during which he becomes the great patient, the great criminal, the great accursed – and the great learned one! – among men. – For he arrives at the unknown! Because he has cultivated his own soul – which was rich to begin with – more than any other man! He reaches the unknown; and even if, crazed, he ends up by losing the understanding of his visions, at least he has seen them! Let him die charging through those unutterable, unnameable things: other horrible workers will come; they will begin from the horizons where he has succumbed![74][75]"

""Various medical authorities swarm in and out of here predicting I have between two days and two months to live. I think they are guessing. I remain cheerful and unimpressed. I look forward without dogmatic optimism but without dread. I love you all and I deeply implore you to keep the lasagna flying. Please pardon my levity, I don't see how to take death seriously. It seems absurd." -- Robert Anton Wilson, Jan 6 2007"

"Just glad you are OK Casey.If we stopped to think of the danger of some of the things we do,we’d never experience the savage joy that comes form doing them,so far in my uni experiences I’ve been lucky,I was at a Mega dog festy in Plymouth a few years ago(The Eclipse one)The site had some excellent trails for off road unicycling,but as I was manic,I’d broken a rib in a collision with a car door which had made me manic,but since I was going to the festival with mates who were relying on me to be able to get in,I decided to go & do the ride about(In Faerie costume)anyway,after a few days of the festy I’d been awake & going at life manically for about 6-7 days,I decided that the site no longer presented me with enough of a challenge,so I climbed out of the site in search of harder challenges.I found some harder off road riding,at one point I decided to ride this gap I thought I saw between two fields,it looked like there was a smallish drop,maybe 3-4 feet with the brambles being thin enough for me to just blast through.Luckily for me they were harder to get through than I thought,as the middle of the gap I aimed for,wasn’t a 3-4 foot drop as I’d surmised it was about 20-25 feet & onto rocks.I shot through the gap,the uni dropped away from me & crashed onto the rocks,with enough force to puncture the wheel,trash about 6 spokes & render it unrideable for the rest of the festy.I however being in my Faerie costume,ended up hanging by my wings from the brambles,The wings were made from fibreglass rods & were much stronger than I’d have believed,Part of the costume was a lycra cycling bib & brace set the wings were woven through them as it was helping them not to continually get snagged on stuff.I hung there for about 5 minutes shouting for help,until I remembered that no one could hear me cos I’d climbed out of the festy site.I had to cut myself loose from the brambles & swing to safety Tarzan style,thank god I had my Leatherman tool with me.I used to get asked for photos of me on my unicycle in that Faerie costume all the time,this one of me dangling from a bramble bush by my wings would I’m sure been the best picture possible,but alas no one to take it.I made my way back to the site & climbed back in,on the way through the kids area a young girl who had been saying hello to me during the rest of the Festy saw me & asked me what had happened to me,I told her & then gave her my now very bedraggled wings as a present.She was very pleased. I hope you get better very very quickly & are soon up snowboarding again.Luv 1Wheel"

"In 1879 cocaine began to be used to treat morphine addiction. Cocaine was introduced into clinical use as a local anesthetic in Germany in 1884, about the same time as Sigmund Freud published his work Über Coca, in which he wrote that cocaine causes:[citation needed]

    Exhilaration and lasting euphoria, which in no way differs from the normal euphoria of the healthy person. You perceive an increase of self-control and possess more vitality and capacity for work. In other words, you are simply normal, and it is soon hard to believe you are under the influence of any drug. Long intensive physical work is performed without any fatigue. This result is enjoyed without any of the unpleasant after-effects that follow exhilaration brought about by alcoholic beverages. No craving for the further use of cocaine appears after the first, or even after repeated taking of the drug."
(Famous last words)

"“These legal arguments are like a cannon ball bouncing backwards and forwards in blancmange. We won, because we hold Stonehenge in our hearts. We are not squatters, we are men of God. We want to plant a Garden of Eden with apricots and cherries, where there will be guitars instead of guns and the sun will be our nuclear bomb.”[7]"

"If you're watching everybody, you're watching nobody." 

"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."

Thursday, 27 August 2015

"You can choose to be free, but it's the last decision you'll ever make."

First heard this when building the stage at Karlsøy last summer. So glad to track it down.

EDIT: It's a win win.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

"Alone, alone, all, all alone,
Alone on a wide wide sea!
And never a saint took pity on
My soul in agony."

"The spirit who bideth by himself
In the land of mist and snow,
He loved the bird that loved the man
Who shot him with his bow."
-Rhyme of the ancient Mariner, Samuel Coleridge Taylor

Monday, 24 August 2015

This gem arriving courtesy of nowayve. Cheers.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Heavy hitter

note to self (piety doesn't pay)


The Pious Bird of Good Omen is a compilation album by Fleetwood Mac, released in 1969.
The title of the album is a phrase found in an 1817 gloss (marginal note) to Samuel Taylor Coleridge's 1798 epic poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The phrase refers to the albatross killed in the poem. ("The ancient Mariner inhospitably killeth the pious bird of good omen.")

You knew what this was.