Sunday, 21 December 2014

"Institutions have done us about all the good we can stand."

Monday, 1 December 2014

Whitland (and Zappa)

If you're in the audience and like what we do...
We'd like you to know that we like you all too...
But as for the sucker that writes the review...

...if his mind is prehensile (mind is prehensile!),
he'll put down his pencil (put down his pencil!),
and have himself a squat on the cosmic utensil! (Cosmic utensil!)
...go on, give it all you got on the cosmic utensil! (Cosmic utensil!)
...sit and spin until you rot on the cosmic utensil! (Cosmic utensil!) he really needs to squat on the cosmic utensil! (Cosmic utensil!)